Always use a government-approved, rear-facing car safety seat in the back seat of your car. In an accident, a baby held in a passenger’s arms can strike parts of the inside of the car or be thrown from it. Make sure there is no air bag protecting the seat where your baby is placed.
Until your baby turns two, he or she must be placed in a rear-facing car seat. If your baby outgrows the infant car seat, buy a larger one that can face both backwards and forward. Your child should stay rear facing until he or she is at least 2 years old. You should keep your child rear facing for as long as he or she is able to fit rear facing. You can turn your child forward facing after the age of two or if he or she has reached the weight or height limit for rear-facing, usually up to 40 lbs. Your child should stay in a forward facing car seat until he or she weighs at least 40 pounds. Some forward facing carseats can accommodate up to 65 lbs. If your child has reached the weight and height maximum for your forward facing carseat, you should move to a booster seat until your child is at least 4’9 or is between 8-12 years of age before allowing to sit without a booster seat. We do not recommend children sit in the front seat until at least 12 years of age, especially because of the possibility of airbag deployment.